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LOSERS dot ORG Losers on the Internet

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. 1l
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. 5l

3l Here are all the 3-L losers.

Shannah (nerds)
3l award Okay FOLKS, when you have a DISCLAIMER saying if you don't like LORD OF THE RINGS, et cetera, you know you're in HOT WATER.

Devin (journalists)
3l award DEVINstation? GET IT? Sounds like DEVAstation, but starts with DEVIN? HURF DURF

J.D. (wannabes)

Casey (girls)
3l award We're ... SCARED.

Heather (goths)
3l award She's GOTH and ANTI-RAP and ANGSTY and likes pictures of BLACK ROSES and ANIMATING PENTAGRAMS.

Dave (wannabes)
3l award Man, there's a whole GAGGLE of them here.

"DingDongs" (freaks)
3l award They call themselves "HIGHLY IMMATURE TEENAGERS." Good CALL.

Timothy (wannabes)
3l award When you label yourself a "WANNABE GOTH," all hope is LOST.

Rachel (punks)
3l award Let's TRY and KEEP UP with her, SHALL we?

Lina (punks)
3l award PUNKS against WAR? What kind of PUSSY CRAP is THAT?

Fantine (design)
3l award We got BORED waiting for the SPLASH screen to LOAD.

Anna (wannabes)
3l award Earth to YOU: No, you are NOT FUNNY.

Zoe (freaks)
3l award F-F-FAT girls gone W-W-WILD? (SHUDDER)

Kaysea (freaks)
3l award A horribly designed Web page devoted to a "psychotic" cat. Right, like the OWNER has nothing to do with that particular issue.

Louise (wannabes)
3l award We simply don't think a COMMENT would do this site any JUSTICE.

Glen (nerds)
3l award Okay, ASCII ART PORN. We have to give them credit for leaning in the RIGHT DIRECTION, but ... ASCII ART? Ever heard of GIFs and JPEGs, FOLKS?

Gary (journalists)
3l award Well, sometimes it needs to be said, but still: YAWN.

Samantha (design)
3l award You people and your stupid POPUP NAVIGATORS. What is WRONG WITH YOU?

Krys (punks)
3l award Two words: NICE HAIR.

"Dr. Evil" (groupies)
3l award A TRIBUTE to METALLICA. We needn't really say anymore, but we like the SNAKE LOGO. Is that some kind of G.I. JOE reference?

Harry (freaks)
3l award He claims to be the "world's only fatttest cable access show." Two thoughts: First, is that a GOOD THING? And second, can you think of REASONS why you might be the ONLY ONE?

"Kitten" (wannabes)
3l award We particularly like the OVERABUNDANCE OF STARS in her artwork. Does she DOT THE I IN KITTEN with a HEART, too?

Lonny Miller (players)

? (trekkies)
3l award So did these guys even SEE the Star Wars movies? Do they not realize they SUCKED HORRIBLY, or is it a matter of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE?

Mark (dorks)
3l award Apart from being an ACTIVE MEMBER on the SOCIETY FOR CREATIVE ANACHRONISM (yes, THOSE guys), this guy seriously looks like a KLINGON.

John (wannabes)
3l award He's got an ANARCHIST WEB SITE! You'd think that might make him a PUNK, but we feel he's more appropriate as a WANNABE.

"DJ Laz" (wannabes)
3l award This guy THANKED US for linking to his site before we even DID it!s

Bartholomew (design)
3l award Thanks for the PAINFUL ANIMATIONS.

Brenda (dorks)
3l award They call it DORK POWER. We stop THERE.

"Zakiyah" (hobbyists)

Angel (trekkies)
3l award She likes some BLAH character from TREXX. She also appears to have some sort of THING for TWEETY BIRD, so that's probably not GOOD.

Meg (wannabes)
3l award Now, you're WHO again?

Jodi (design)
3l award We particularly like how she illustrated her WORDS with PICTURES. As if her intended audience were in SIXTH GRADE.

Paul (players)
3l award HONK, HONK! In search of CHUBBY CHASERS! Let's GO here PEOPLE, we haven't got all DAY!

"Society Failure" (wannabes)
3l award Check it out. It's a BAND and stuff.

Chandler (journalists)
3l award An EXCITING, rip-roaring ROLLER COASTER ride of a BLOG.

"Azcra" (goths)
3l award Yeah, you're REALLY COOL, lady.

Tiffany (design)
3l award This site should come with an EPILEPSY WARNING.

Hannah (wannabes)

Garry (freaks)
3l award He's got some thing for GAY WEREWOLVES. We don't know EITHER.

"Emu" (journalists)
3l award Another LAST-PLACE finisher in the BLOG TRYOUTS.

Heidi (wannabes)
3l award YEAH, lady, like people really should be WORSHIPPING you.

"Collective Conscious" (dorks)
3l award It's a ROLEPLAYING LIST! You get to talk to each other IN CHARACTER! I want to be a PIRATE! No, I want to be a BEAR! No, I want to be a FAILED WRITER!

Kat (freaks)
3l award We give this site an INCOMPLETE.

Nate (design)
3l award Yeah, we have NOTHING BETTER TO DO.

? (hobbyists)
3l award It's the DIARY of a PHONE SLUT. We're not exactly sure WHAT that means EITHER.

David (wannabes)
3l award It's a WEB COMIC about LOSERS. We need GO no FURTHER.

Jo (goths)
3l award A "SK8R GOFIE CHIC"!

? (freaks)
3l award Someone's seriously all JESUSY.

Garreth (journalists)
3l award It's VITALLY IMPORTANT that we keep ABREAST of this guy's ACTIVITIES.

J.R. (freaks)
3l award What in the WORLD is THAT?

Jasen (journalists)
3l award Life as a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD.

Whitney (nerds)
3l award What in the WORLD is THIS?

Mesha (girls)

? (groupies)
3l award An AUSTIN POWERS fan site! PHEW!

"Will" (freaks)
3l award We're ... CONFUSED.

? (freaks)
3l award If there's one LESSON we'd like to IMPART here, it's this: Don't DRINK and TYPE.

Kate (design)
3l award Yes, folks, it's what you've been WAITING FOR! It's the PLAID PAGE!

Nina (journalists)
3l award POETRY, DREAMS, QUOTES -- does it get any BETTER than THIS?

Sarah (wannabes)
3l award Okay, lady, PURPLE DOTS do not make you COOL.

Fehmi (design)
3l award UH. OKAY.

Holly (punks)

Joseph (goths)
3l award They're HE6LLS6PAW6N. See the 666? Aren't they CLEVER?

jake (hobbyists)
3l award It's called CAPTAIN STUPID. Enough SAID.

Casey (trekkies)
3l award STAR TREK PICS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dave (hobbyists)
3l award These guys might be WAY too into their weekly POKER GAMES.

Adam (nerds)
3l award With a name like SMUCKERS, it's got to be GOOD.

Lidia (wannabes)
3l award It's a WANNABE all right, but we're not ENTIRELY SURE what it actually WANTS TO BE.

Jason (groupies)
3l award He SERIOUSLY likes DINOSAURS.

Bianca & Jason (wannabes)

Tyler (journalists)
3l award Okay KID, take your RITALIN.

Juliet (groupies)

Tim (wannabes)
3l award GRAFFITI is so COOL !!!!! It's like COUNTERCULTURE and STUFF !!!!!

"Island" (players)
3l award He's looking for a GIRLFRIEND and a JOB.

"Bitch" (girls)
3l award 1. FEMININE HYGEINE and 2. CATS.

Ros (trekkies)
3l award Welcome to his PARALLEL UNIVERSE!

Sam (wannabes)
3l award He is ONE COOL CAT.

Stephen (wannabes)
3l award It's OUTSTANDING ART, and even more OUTSTANDING POETRY.

Jessica (girls)
3l award One word: SKITTLES.

Ryan (wannabes)
3l award He's making fun of his CLASSMATES. Oh, the HUMANITY.

Steven (journalists)
3l award ANGST, free from SPELLING ERRORS. What more could you ASK for?

Mary Anne (freaks)
3l award Something about a GOPHER.

A.J. (dorks)
3l award "Just a waste of time."

Steve & Tom (freaks)
3l award They make VIDEOS.

Rick (design)
3l award Watch who you're calling MAGGOT, bub.

Richard (dorks)
3l award What kind of NEW AGE CRAP is this? Doctor! This MAN needs red meat, STAT!

Ayan (journalists)
3l award Okay, THIS ONE not only writes about her life in a WEB LOG, but writes about herself in the THIRD PERSON. That's not a GOOD SIGN, is it?

Sjaak (nerds)
3l award A WEB CAM of a BUS STOP. How INVENTIVE.

Thane (wannabes)
3l award Look OUT! It's rated R! Adult CONTENT and LANGUAGE! Fart.

Kyle et al (wannabes)
3l award Well, that's NICE.

? (wannabes)
3l award Run by "THREE NICE BITCHES." Hey, that's SWELL.

Dana (girls)
3l award LOOK OUT! Her HOMEPAGE contains all sort of "SEXUALITY"!

Chester (wannabes)
3l award Yes. What this world NEEDS is YET ANOTHER WEB COMIC.

John (groupies)
3l award It's a SAD STATEMENT about today's YOUTH when the best CELEBRITY they can come up with to WORSHIP is a creepy TRANSVESTITE.

? (players)
3l award They describe themselves as TOOLS. It DOESN'T get much BETTER than THAT.

"Saruh" (goths)
3l award On a rating from ONE to TEN, we give this a GOTH.

? (dorks)
3l award We don't GET IT.

Debi (rednecks)
3l award A REDNECK WICCA chick? We didn't think it would be POSSIBLE, but once again NATURE has proven us WRONG ...

Kyle (wannabes)
3l award Look, it's another HIGH SCHOOL BAND! Let us know when you SIGN that BIG CONTRACT.

Randy (wannabes)
3l award Yeah, RANDY. We're going to BUY YOU a FERRARI. How's this: NO.

Ron (hobbyists)
3l award If you were going to start COLLECTING something, would YOU choose something so MUNDANE as TELEPHONES?

Dave (wannabes)
3l award He wants to be PRIME MINISTER! You GO with that, GUY.

? (freaks)
3l award London "FURS." SHUDDER.

Paul (dorks)
3l award SIR, aren't you a little OLD to be playing with CARE BEARS?

Rich & Lynn (couples)
3l award Yes, we've even go the OBLIGATORY picture of a UNICORN and everything.

"Riott" (wannabes)
3l award She's proud of having STALKERS. YEAH. What a LIFE.

Elaine (punks)
3l award BO-RING.

Don (wannabes)
3l award Worst of all: They're wannabe LOSERS.

"Nitin" (wannabes)
3l award OOH! He's so BAD!

Andrew (journalists)
3l award One has to WONDER about people that REFER to themselves in the THIRD PERSON -- and with a CODENAME, no less.

Leonard (rednecks)
3l award He says it's about RAGE, but if you asked US it's about USELESS RANTS.

Floyd (wannabes)
3l award A HOMELESS GUITARIST! Is there any other KIND?

Rick (nerds)
3l award ALERT! VANITY page! ALERT! Call the DOGS.

Jukka (hobbyists)
3l award Okay, SERIOUSLY. It's ELECTRONIC MUSIC based on the BLEEPS and BLOOPS of early 1980's VIDEO GAMES. Is that WELL?

Phil (goths)
3l award Check out that UPSIDE-DOWN CROSS! Isn't he positively AWESOME?

? (design)
3l award OKAY, lady, we get the STARS IN THE BACKGROUND theme already.

CD (players)
3l award Yes, he DOES in fact have an EXTENSIVE HISTORY of his LOVE LIFE. The world THANKS him.

Chris (design)
3l award Okay, someone needs to take a WEB DESIGN CLASS or something.

Clifton (design)
3l award BROKEN.

"Heather" (freaks)
3l award Who do you think you're KIDDING, guy?

Daive (journalists)
3l award Yet another SELF-ABSORBED BLOGGER.

Rob (punks)
3l award It's MAD COOL.

"Malevolence" (goths)
3l award She used the phrase "TITS FOR HITS." That demands a certain amount of RESPECT for her CANDOR, we think.

Jill (hobbyists)

Kimberly (girls)
3l award SOMETHING to SAY.

"Arlo" (freaks)
3l award What the CRAP?

? (girls)
3l award Good LORD, LADY.

? (dorks)
3l award That's just not RIGHT.

Chris (couples)

Richard (rednecks)
3l award He hunts BUNNIES. Stuffed ANIMALS. YEAH.

Batty (goths)
3l award LADY. On behalf of the entire PLANET, we would like to tell you: No one CARES.

C.C. (hobbyists)

Andrew (punks)
3l award PUNK RAWK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mariam (punks)
3l award Why does EVERYBODY have little ANIME CRAP on their PAGES now?

Darren (dorks)
3l award That's, uh, DISTURBING.

"Idgaf" (journalists)
3l award He apparently has a very DOTING MOTHER.

Alexis (journalists)
3l award Writing her journal FORCES her into INTERESTING SITUATIONS. Hmm.

? (wannabes)
3l award Look, a FANTASY WRITER!

? (wannabes)
3l award Someone has a HEALTHY FANTASY LIFE.

Jil (girls)
3l award TINKERBELL leads the way to her POETRY.

Gia (girls)
3l award She's a "PAGEN."

Melanie (journalists)

Dianne (girls)
3l award AUSSIE GIRL needs HITS!

Gina (freaks)
3l award Yes, CLEARLY that's a HAPPY HOME.

Tim (journalists)
3l award He describes HIMSELF as a "false IDOL of MEGALOMANIA." That CAN'T be HEALTHY.

"J'raxis" (nerds)
3l award You can choose your own THEME for viewing his HOMEPAGE -- er, WEB SITE!

Travis (freaks)

Ivana (journalists)
3l award She was BORED one day, and so she started a WEB LOG. Isn't that what pretty much ALL of them do?

? (players)
3l award HURRAH! A Web site someone put up about his EXGIRLFRIEND who DUMPED HIM! I wonder WHY?

Dolores (groupies)
3l award I'm sure JANET RENO would be FLATTERED. Or SOMETHING.

? (dorks)
3l award Okay, he has MULTIPLE WEB SITES set up for his PETS, including one OVERACHIEVING BIRD who likes to SKATEBOARD. That's just plain NOT RIGHT.

Kevin (hobbyists)
3l award YES, it's a WEB SITE for COMMODORE 64 OWNERS. NO, we don't know why EITHER.

Masha (wannabes)
3l award She's a WANNABE NERD. Yes, we feel SORRY for her TOO.

Libby (hobbyists)
3l award What IS IT with GIRLS and DOLLS?

Stevie (punks)
3l award We can't even give it a FAILING GRADE. It would have get an INCOMPLETE.

Becki (freaks)
3l award Running the GAMUT of BORING WEB SITE behavior.

Keith (wannabes)
3l award He thinks he's some manner of INSECT. Not a GOOD THING to put on a RESUME.

"Fish Clan" (wannabes)
3l award It's a GAMING CLAN! Does that scream DORK or what?

Melanie (girls)
3l award What this world NEEDS is another WEB LOG for a GIRL to RAMBLE on about LOVE.

"Sullivan" (players)
3l award Another WINNER who talks about the GIRL WHO DUMPED HIM in his WEB LOG.

Bill (design)
3l award Nice PRIMARY COLORS.

Marc (nerds)
3l award "An ARROGANT, OPINIONATED GEEK with a HIPPIE background." What a CHARMING combination.

? (freaks)
3l award His page "SUX," all right. But with a CKS instead of an X.

Leigh (groupies)
3l award She likes CHOW YUN-FAT. Evidently A LOT.

"Kebz" (punks)
3l award We really like the HAIR.

Stephen (wannabes)
3l award Holy GOD that's an UNBELIEVABLE attempt at a COMIC BOOK.

Alexander (freaks)
3l award Okay, ALEXANDER's not looking TOO WELL.

"Enola" (trekkies)
3l award Oh YEAH, baby. Her favorite STAR TREK characters and how to say MEANINGLESS PHRASES in CHINESE, all on ONE page.

Benjamin (nerds)
3l award This guy digs SCHOOL way too MUCH.

? (wannabes)
3l award They're the ultimate SHIT band. QUAINT.

"Miss Izzy" (trekkies)
3l award Oh YEAH, baby. FAN FICTION, the WORST of all POSSIBLE writing.

James (couples)
3l award He sees UNBORN CHILDREN in her EYES! She should get that CHECKED.

Chris (groupies)
3l award WEEZER, WEEZER, who's got the WEEZER?

? (girls)

? (wannabes)
3l award PROUD to be a LOSER, all RIGHT.

"Levin" (goths)
3l award ESCAPE to the NEVERSCAPE !!11!11112345678

Jason (dorks)
3l award It's a page on DORKNESS. Enough SAID.

? (girls)
3l award Two GIRLS, one DOMAIN. YAWN.

Leandria (punks)
3l award What is it with TORTURED SOULS and ANIME DRAWINGS?

Jeff (goths)
3l award KILL YOUR GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a LIFE, bub.

David (freaks)
3l award We want some of whatever THIS guy's SMOKING.

Jayme (dorks)
3l award A POETRY SITE. Enough SAID.

Hans (nerds)
3l award Nice DIALOGS, GIMPY.

Sarah (goths)
3l award It's GOTH POETRY. We don't have to SAY another WORD.

Tara (groupies)
3l award YEP. Another ANIME LOVER.

Melissa (girls)
3l award ANIME ANIME ANIME. And MR. T.

Noah (freaks)
3l award You are BORING, SIR.

Elisabeth (trekkies)
3l award LEXX fans. SHUDDER.

Stacy (trekkies)
3l award She has a THING for STAR TREK. Poor THING.

? (wannabes)

Nadja (goths)
3l award Got ANKHS?

Brian (trekkies)
3l award A KLINGON programming LANGUAGE?

Shakeem (wannabes)
3l award A WANNABE PIMP with an ADVICE COLUMN? Ye-eah, RIGHT.

Cassie (girls)
3l award How come EVERY GIRL uses the same NAKED ANIME CHICK WITH WINGS motif?

Megan & Becca (design)
3l award Fewer DANCING GORILLAS, please.

Emily (journalists)
3l award She's a MILK CHUGGER. No, we're not sure what that means EITHER.

? (trekkies)
3l award A STAR WARS club?

? (trekkies)
3l award You can join a STAR TREK RELIGION. No THANKS, pal.

Matt (dorks)
3l award What the HELL is that guy WEARING?

Jason (trekkies)
3l award Look, it's another LEXX FAN! For some reason THESE PEOPLE aren't even EMBARRASSED. We don't know WHY.

Ashley (goths)

Joel (journalists)
3l award He said "NONSENSICAL INTERLUDES." That's worth ONE L right THERE.

"Pagemaster" (wannabes)
3l award He'll RATE YOUR PAGE!

Scott (hobbyists)
3l award He collects RUBBER SHARKS. Hold on, we'll REPEAT that: He collects RUBBER SHARKS. No, we don't know EITHER.

B.J. (journalists)
3l award ERASURE! No, not the BAND.

Floyd (nerds)
3l award SHUT UP, Floyd.

? (design)
3l award Please stop SHAKING my BROWSER.

Andrew (journalists)
3l award Another VOICE, cast into the DARKNESS. FAAAAAAAAAAART

Jayne (wannabes)
3l award Well, she NOMINATED HERSELF as a PUNK, but we're not really SEEING IT.

Leigh (journalists)
3l award More YAPPY than a YAP FACTORY.

Josh (dorks)
3l award Josh needs to be PUT BACK IN.

Emily (girls)
3l award EMILY, you're not WELL.

Eric (journalists)
3l award LISA LOEB

? (rednecks)
3l award It's for WHITE TRASH AMERICA, all right.

Becca (girls)
3l award Her site can PROVE TO BE VERY INTERESTING.

Aaron (freaks)

Melanie (design)
3l award DINOGIRL!

Zach (punks)
3l award It's a STUPID WEB THINGY, all right.

Troy (wannabes)
3l award Hurray, another RANTS PAGE. As if there weren't ENOUGH of these on the PLANET already.

Anthony (journalists)
3l award All about HIS EXCITING LIFE.

Simpson (wannabes)
3l award He's FLY.

Heather (punks)
3l award BUM!

? (punks)
3l award WALL to WALL CRAP.

Adam (dorks)
3l award LOSERS R THEM.

Willy (wannabes)
3l award He's got his own NEWSLETTER?

Cazzy (hobbyists)
3l award He makes ALIEN BLUES.

Heather (groupies)
3l award The WORST of all GROUPIES: LEXX FANS. We can only SHUDDER.

Sean (nerds)
3l award Check THIS guy out.

Jordy (dorks)
3l award FARTING

Ivana (greenies)
3l award Something something BANANAS something something.

? (wannabes)
3l award POTTY MOUTH. We especially like DEAR ALXNET.

Jeremy (wannabes)
3l award He wants to be an OLYMPIC TORCH RUNNER. Good LUCK with that.

Nathan (journalists)
3l award Good, honest, BORING.

Jessica (rednecks)
3l award YEE HAW! ROCK ON!

James (hobbyists)
3l award Yeah, they like an ONLINE GAME. GREAT.

Evan (design)
3l award CONGRATULATIONS. You LOSE the USEFUL contest.

Scott (journalists)
3l award Meet MR. YAPPY. MR. YAPPY, here's EVERYONE.

Damien (goths)
3l award BAD, DARK poetry on a DARK, SCARY BACKGROUND.

Mark (nerds)
3l award He's looking for old MODEM BUDDIES. Now that's BAD.

Ronald (dorks)
3l award RONALD has a little problem with SELF-ESTEEM ...

? (girls)
3l award Holy GOD, this GIRL is SCARY.

? (dorks)
3l award Of DRAGONS and SUCH! The SORROW of WOLVES! The VAMPYRE of the WEST! Of GUYS who never GET ANY!

Michelle (journalists)
3l award Another GIRL and her SOAPBOX for WHINING.

"Davr" (design)
3l award WOW. What he needs is more PINK ANIMATING CRAP.

Mark (wannabes)
3l award Who would be a WANNABE FREAK? THIS GUY, apparently.

Andrea (girls)
3l award Devoted to her FREAK LITTLE DOG. Wouldn't you KNOW IT, she DRESSES the little mutt, TOO.

? (girls)

Lorna (goths)
3l award Can't any of these FRUITS get CHEERY for once?

"Flying Jobbies" (wannabes)
3l award It's BAD NEWS when they think they're FUNNY.

? (trekkies)
3l award The LAMEST of the TREKKIES: The COLLECTOR.

Mike (groupies)

Peter (nerds)
3l award He's DA MAN.

Eric (freaks)
3l award So much YAPPING, so little TIME.

Ronald (wannabes)
3l award A ONE-MAN BAND. With a RUDE NAME. Let's all give him a HAND.

Jim (nerds)
3l award He likes HARD MATH PROBLEMS. HARD. Huh huh huh.

? (journalists)
3l award Um. OKAY. He LOST us.

Darryl (design)
3l award Wonders of blinking, animating, ASCII art, and JEVA. (We don't know EITHER.)

Amanda (journalists)
3l award Another GIRL, another DIARY.

Katie (design)
3l award See, that's not RIGHT. That just HURTS our EYES.

"Superfly" (wannabes)
3l award He's a WANNABE LOSER. How LAME is THAT?

"Kat" (design)
3l award The combination of KORN and ANIMATING CRAP is truly AWE-INSPIRING.

Jim (rednecks)
3l award SLEDNECKS. Rednecks on SLEDS. YEAH.

Brian & Julia (design)
3l award BRAVO. Here's a MEDAL.

Chris (dorks)
3l award What the HELL?

Nicholas (design)
3l award We're DISAPPOINTED, to say the LEAST.

Ian (journalists)
3l award Please, TELL us about your ANGSTY LITTLE LIFE.

Terry (dorks)
3l award We give it an F.

? (nerds)
3l award Oh, get a LIFE.

Laurie (hobbyists)
3l award An INAPPROPRIATE interest in TOAST.

"Krystal" (girls)
3l award Who FARTED?

Matthew (wannabes)
3l award Uh. DUH! Bikes! DUH.

Katy (hobbyists)
3l award Can you say ANIME?

Bill (dorks)
3l award Show some RESPECT. It's the GREAT WILD BILL.

Ralph (players)
3l award We can't IMAGINE why he's not having any LUCK.

Masha (design)
3l award Good LORD, what has she DONE?

Shayla (design)
3l award All pictures CREATED or MODIFIED by her, huh? Not really something to be PROUD OF.

"Aramantha" (wannabes)

Penny (hobbyists)
3l award Congratulations, it's new age CRAP.

? (freaks)
3l award WHOO HOOO !!!!! A CRAPPY BAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alli (wannabes)
3l award A life STORY perhaps?

art (wannabes)
3l award Nice HAIR.

? (freaks)
3l award How QUAINT.

Clay (wannabes)
3l award He's a RADIO HOST!

Jason (dorks)

"Narnia" (goths)
3l award You've really got to WONDER about these people.

Barrington (design)
3l award What he needs is more ANIMATING GARBAGE.

"Monkeypuff" (journalists)
3l award YEAH. Oooh, BOY!

? (wannabes)
3l award Yeah. STARSKY AND HUTCH. You BET.

John & Stefan (dorks)
3l award CONGRATULATIONS. Now GO BACK to where you CAME FROM.

? (nerds)
3l award Get a LIFE, will YOU?

? (wannabes)
3l award Yes, yes, you're very CLEVER. You're own fake RELIGION. Shut UP.

Antwon (dorks)
3l award NICE MAN'S BURDEN. Right THERE you know you're STUCK with a WHINER.

Rico (wannabes)
3l award Good LORD.

Leo (dorks)
3l award He really likes JESUS or something.

Nick (nerds)
3l award What the HELL?

Seol (design)
3l award Hey, GOOD FOR YOU.

Dan (hobbyists)
3l award He likes COINS and WHISKEY BOTTLES. As if this is NORMAL.

Donna (girls)
3l award New Year's DRESS: $400. Getting back at her EX-BOYFRIEND for treating her badly in 200: $100. The typical CAMPY, BORING pictures of SOMEONE you've never heard of and never want to meet: $50. Pictures of 50's ladies with their panties around their ankles: PRICELESS.

R.B. (dorks)
3l award Some kind of BORING "WRITER."

"Smithe" (wannabes)
3l award WHINE much?

? (journalists)
3l award WHAT?

"Amarantha" (freaks)
3l award WINNER.

"Oddy" (greenies)
3l award Devoted to HIPPIES and the HIPPY CULTURE? Uh, you're THIRTY YEARS too late.

? (design)
3l award We give it a D: Not nearly enough CRAP.

Rick (nerds)
3l award RICK needs to find something BETTER to do with his TIME.

Hank (punks)
3l award Let's hear it for COMPLETE, UNADULERATED CRAP.

"Luke Ski" (wannabes)
3l award WHO in their RIGHT MIND would ever want to be like WEIRD "AL" YANKOVIC?

"T'Pau" (trekkies)
3l award T'PAU LIKES STAR TREK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO KEGGER

Joshua (wannabes)
3l award YEAH, like we're going to vote for YOU.

"Meltdown" (freaks)
3l award Hands UP, who HATES CLOWNS?

Chris (groupies)
3l award Great. The A-TEAM. What a WONDERFUL SHOW.

Eric (players)
3l award His SOON-TO-BE WIFE.

? (hobbyists)
3l award Let's collect ACTION FIGURES!

"I Love Rich" (wannabes)
3l award The SEXIEST BAND in the WORLD! For those who aren't afraid to YAWN.

Samantha (girls)
3l award Samantha needs to GET OUT MORE.

Tayla (groupies)
3l award FOO FIGHTERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Faith (girls)
3l award She's the SCARLET WITCH! Hurray for POETS.

"Fuhrer" (wannabes)
3l award Yeah, FUHRER, put a CORK in it.

Sara (goths)
3l award Could these people be any more MELODRAMATIC and SAPPY? Wait, never mind, we guess they COULD ...

Adam (groupies)
3l award HE-MAN and the MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE. Enough SAID.

? (wannabes)
3l award TOP GOD? Sad.

Andrew (dorks)
3l award DRAGONS, eh? They're not REAL, you know.

? (design)
3l award Nice CLOWNS.

"Damon" (wannabes)
3l award Oh, PLEASE. Grow UP.

Khan (wannabes)
3l award Yes, he's obviously a very TOUGH guy.

Tyler (design)
3l award It could STAY "coming soon."

Stephen (hobbyists)
3l award Stephen is a BIG FAN of dogs. A really, REALLY big fan.

Bill (nerds)
3l award He's a MATHLETE.

Angel (journalists)
3l award Thanks for the DIARY, ANGEL.

Cyndi (wannabes)
3l award ENOUGH, already, lady.

? (goths)
3l award We're thinking TOILET BOWL.

? (design)
3l award VALIUM. VALIUM, please.

Alex (design)
3l award WHAT THE

Anja (groupies)

? (groupies)
3l award He likes EIGHTIES BANDS -- and not even GOOD ONES.

Ken (groupies)
3l award YOU decide: GROUPIE or STALKER?

Emmy (girls)
3l award See if you can KEEP YOUR LUNCH DOWN with this one.

Shannon (girls)
3l award She's a GODDESS. Uh HUH.

Justin & Jeff (trekkies)
3l award Leonard Nimoy should eat more WHAT?

"AKB" (hobbyists)
3l award YAY! It's a GAMING CLAN!

Alice (punks)
3l award What is this girl ON?

Ben (dorks)
3l award WAZZZUP?

"DJ Mooncat" (wannabes)
3l award DJ MOONCAT in DA HOUSE!

Kara & Emily (design)
3l award The love M&Ms. Yes, the CANDY.

? (groupies)
3l award Celebrity FAN FICTION. FAN FICTION WRITER today, STALKER tomorrow ...

Jeff (wannabes)
3l award What a GREAT IDEA.

Cody (dorks)
3l award A big fat LOSER? HE said it, not US ...

"Sweet Angel" (girls)
3l award Put it AWAY, TOOTS. Nobody's BUYING.

Johannes (hobbyists)
3l award The METAL for JESUS page! YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

? (design)
3l award BLEAH.

J. (groupies)
3l award Mark HAMILL, of all people? Can't she do BETTER than THAT?

Kelvin (groupies)
3l award He wants to be WHO?

Alex (freaks)
3l award It's a TOILET INDEX. We'll repeat that: A TOILET INDEX.

"Monstre" (journalists)
3l award Isn't she CLEVER?

Dean & Nigel (wannabes)
3l award Look! It's DEAN and NIGEL!

Eija (girls)
3l award She likes the BERLIN WALL. We mean, she REALLY, REALLY likes it.

Noelle (design)
3l award Yeah, those colors go GREAT together.

"Plum" (journalists)
3l award LOVELY.

Dawn (journalists)
3l award YAPPING in BLUE on a BLACK background.

"Heavenly" (groupies)
3l award A bit OBSESSED with KEANU REEVES, aren't WE?

? (groupies)
3l award What, another SMALLER WONDER fan page?

Angela (groupies)
3l award Following MORRISSEY around everywhere, EH?

Matt (wannabes)
3l award Author of this EXCITING Wierd "Al" Yankovic page ...

"Whackpack" (wannabes)
3l award They got their own DOMAIN NAME. Well, GOOD FOR THEM.

Brandon (wannabes)

Seung (dorks)
3l award It's GRAND MASTER DONG!

"Joshwa" (goths)
3l award WhatEVER, kid.

"Raven" (goths)
3l award Another RED-AND-BLACK GOTH.

? (freaks)
3l award We get the IDEA that they don't like OFFICE SUPPLIES.

Matthew (journalists)
3l award Yet another EXCITING LIFE.

? (wannabes)
3l award He's a SATANIST. Yeah, GREAT.

Brad (wannabes)
3l award It's bad enough to be a WANNABE. But what if you want to be a NEW KID ON THE BLOCK?

Greg (wannabes)
3l award He's a SUPER COOL D.J.! And an INVENTED CHARACTER for an ADVERTISEMENT no less!

Mac (players)
3l award Hmm. That can't be GOOD.

David (punks)
3l award They're West Virginia PUNKS.

"Archu" (goths)
3l award What the HELL?

Benjamin (design)
3l award Nice GOING, bub.

Faye (groupies)
3l award NEVER have we seen such ADORATION of TURTLES ...

Teresa (girls)
3l award CREEPY.

Boots (goths)

Patrick (players)
3l award Another WINNER who needs a WIFE. BAD.

Dave (players)
3l award Yet another LOST CAUSE.

Jimi (punks)
3l award Good LORD.

Holly (goths)
3l award GOTHS are OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"P." (hobbyists)
3l award That's a rather CURIOUS hobby.

Katie (journalists)
3l award Yet another GIRL who thinks she's the CENTER OF THE WORLD.

John (groupies)
3l award ARMADILLOS?

Cynthia (goths)
3l award An ANIME GOTH? Is that ALLOWED?

Charles (goths)
3l award Looks like CHARLES needs some MEDICATION ...

Andrew (hobbyists)
3l award Someone likes PEEPS a little TOO much ...

Frank (wannabes)

"Puke Club" (punks)
3l award The first rule of PUKE CLUB is that you do not talk about PUKE CLUB.

"Princess" (girls)
3l award HAHAHAH!

Jenn (journalists)
3l award Pink is HEADACHE.

Max (wannabes)
3l award Less TALK more GO AWAY.

Brand (girls)
3l award FRIENDS KICK ASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Walter (players)
3l award His MISSION, apparently, was to GET LAID.

Bort (punks)
3l award They're in a PUNK BAND.

Ryan (hobbyists)
3l award RYAN likes BASEBALL. Baseball GOOD.

David (wannabes)
3l award He's a PSYCHIC! SNURK.

Mike (rednecks)
3l award YAY! Our very first SKINHEAD!

"Raven Sorrow" (goths)
3l award RAVEN SORROW ... enough SAID.

Liv (goths)
3l award VAMPIRE CHURCH! Good LORD, people.

Theda (hobbyists)
3l award Someone likes to PLAY WITH DOLLS ...

"Da'Crax0rz" (wannabes)
3l award WhatEVER.

Leslie (design)
3l award Hope you didn't need your EYES too badly.

Amarantha (design)
3l award TRY AGAIN.

Lon (freaks)
3l award HUH?

Kathleen (groupies)
3l award This one really likes the ANNOYING LITTLE GIRL in SMALL WONDER. And she REALLY likes her.

Susan (groupies)
3l award She sure likes PAUL RHYS, whoever THAT is.

Al (players)
3l award We especially liked the PAGES of "WOMEN HE LOVES" -- he even includes CARTOON WOMEN. Now THAT'S sad.

"Stovepipe" (players)

? (punks)
3l award KID, we can't understand a SINGLE WORD you're SAYING.

Carly (girls)
3l award LADY, you are TRYING way too HARD.

Jason (trekkies)
3l award The only thing worse than TREKKIES is TREKKIES who think they are FUNNY.

Krissee (goths)
3l award HAHAHAHA! Phew, that's a GOOD ONE.

Jewel (groupies)
3l award You can't come up with a better IDOL than JEWEL?

Louise (wannabes)
3l award WhatEVER.

"Chains" (wannabes)
3l award Yeah, "CHAINS," great to SEE you.

Jeff (wannabes)
3l award Does this guy do ANYTHING except BITCH about CONSUMER PRODUCTS?

"Lady Snow" (girls)
3l award LADY SNOW lives in ICE CASTLE and WRITES POETRY. Yeah, OKAY.

Lyn (girls)
3l award All RIGHT! ANIME! THAT'S what this world needs MORE of!

Brent (trekkies)
3l award STAR WARS? STAR TREK? TRANSFORMERS? More than meets the EYE? Not in THIS case.

Wilson (dorks)

? (goths)
3l award BO-RING.

Paul (hobbyists)
3l award A big fan of POT.

Valerie (design)
3l award It's SIMPLE. USELESS, but SIMPLE.

Darrin (design)
3l award WOW. That's pretty IMPRESSIVELY bad.

Charles (freaks)
3l award He's crazy about his HAIR. EVERYWHERE.

James (groupies)
3l award He loves METALLICA and KNIGHT RIDER. Need we say ANYTHING else?

"Babewatch" (wannabes)
3l award A TOSS-UP between DORKS and WANNABES.

Erin & Jon (wannabes)
3l award It's THEIR WEB SITE, all right.

Shan (girls)
3l award Another LIVE WEB CAM. YAWN.

Steph (trekkies)

"Greenleader" (hobbyists)
3l award WOW, guys, that's a rather DISTURBING doll FETISH.

Ely (hobbyists)
3l award She likes BICYCLES. We GUESS.

Andy (design)
3l award Nice BACKGROUND, bub.

Greg (nerds)
3l award He's a COMPUTER TECHNICIAN, all right.

"Jolene" (freaks)
3l award Welcome to CREEPYTOWN. Population: YOU.

Jon (journalists)
3l award Like anyone CARES, bub.

Jackie (journalists)
3l award SHUT. UP.

Christie (journalists)
3l award If it's an INTERNAL MONOLOGUE how come it's on a WEB SITE?

Joerg (players)
3l award This one's just CREEPY.

Julia (girls)
3l award Got some kind of JUNGLE FETISH.

Scar, Slash, & Bone (goths)

Norma (design)
3l award That ought to win some kind of AWARD or something.

? (groupies)
3l award Picture a group of people that worship WEIRD "AL" YANKOVIC.

"Threadfall" (wannabes)
3l award Thanks for the UPDATES about your WEB SITE! Hint: NOBODY CARES.

Rafael (wannabes)
3l award Some GENIUS who is BEGGING us for MONEY.

Isobel (girls)
3l award And yet ANOTHER WEB CAM.

? (girls)
3l award LIFE SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Tear" (goths)
3l award What the HELL?

"Heat" (design)
3l award Is there any particular reason you're making us SQUINT?

Andy (freaks)
3l award Uh. HUH.

Liz (groupies)
3l award Is there ANYONE this girl doesn't WORSHIP?

Wil (wannabes)
3l award He's a WANNABE, all right.

Bill (dorks)
3l award Looks like he's got GIRL PROBLEMS.

"Speed" (players)

Byron (hobbyists)
3l award A FAN SITE about BIG GULPS?

Ross (players)
3l award Look at this guy GO.

Tara (girls)
3l award OCEANS of DREAMS?

"Jae" (goths)
3l award Shut UP.

Neal (design)
3l award Wonderful. NEXT?

? (design)
3l award It's a page of CRAP all right.

Jason (hobbyists)
3l award It sure may SUCK all right, you little POTHEAD.

Ralf (nerds)
3l award WINNER.

Jeremy (punks)
3l award When he says SHITTIEST he ain't KIDDIN'.

Eric (dorks)
3l award You suggest an EMOTION, and he ACTS IT OUT for you. Now THAT'S COMEDY.

Larry (freaks)
3l award ELVES ... ?

"Cassanova" (players)
3l award He wants a WIFE. Really BAD, it looks like.

Andreij (dorks)
3l award LAME.

"D-Clan" (wannabes)
3l award Look at what this GAGGLE of friends CRAPPED OUT.

Art (journalists)
3l award YAWN.

Paul (journalists)
3l award Why in the WORLD do people think anyone CARES about their LIVES?

Robert (goths)
3l award Man ALIVE, what is WITH these people?

Beth & Rich (couples)
3l award GAKK!

Kathy (journalists)
3l award Another GIRL who can't help but tell us ALL ABOUT HER BORING LIFE.

"BoxJam" (wannabes)
3l award A no-talent COMIC STRIP WRITER.

Rick (players)

Claire (girls)
3l award It's WORTHY OF LOSERS.ORG, all right.

"Hannagh" (goths)
3l award The DESCRIBE YOURSELF portion is just PRECIOUS.

Catherine (journalists)
3l award She just discovered SWEARING, apparently.

Bruna (groupies)
3l award Oh, good LORD. A HANSON fan.

Stacey (groupies)
3l award Isn't T'PAU one of those ONE-HIT-WONDER BANDS?

Erik & Sarah (wannabes)
3l award They want to be on the STUDENT COUNCIL!

"Archon" (wannabes)
3l award Trying to be FUNNY, but FAILING.

Tony & Christie (couples)
3l award They're getting MARRIED!

Christopher (freaks)
3l award Something about EGG TIMERS and RATS ...

Alex (trekkies)
3l award Good LORD, pal. Give it a REST.

Gary (hobbyists)
3l award TOYS for his PETS?

Alexandria (girls)
3l award I guess she likes DRAGONS.

Scott (design)

Sean (nerds)
3l award Yeah, it's a real PLETHORA of KNOWLEDGE, all right.

Bob (players)
3l award Ah, YES. Nothing more of a TURN ON then WHINING about your EX.

Teb, Kara, & Larry (journalists)
3l award This TRIPLET took MTV'S REAL WORLD a little too SERIOUSLY.

"Raven" (wannabes)
3l award This steers DEFTLY into the realm of THE PATHETIC.

Eli (hobbyists)
3l award He's a FILKER!

Larry (nerds)
3l award He's the GEEK GUY! Whatever.

Dennis (journalists)
3l award Thanks for your life STORY.

Marcia (groupies)
3l award She writes poetry about LEONARDO DICAPRIO?

? (groupies)
3l award Yes, that's right. POWER RANGERS.

"The Freak Team" (wannabes)

Michael (wannabes)
3l award His "PSYCHOLOGIC" degree?

Gavin (hobbyists)
3l award LOCOMOTIVES? He really couldn't think of anything BETTER?

John (design)
3l award He apparently just DISCOVERED the ANNOYING things you can do with a WEB BROWSER.

"Klaze" (players)
3l award He AIN'T NO HOMO.

Ripster (players)
3l award He got CONNED by some CHICK and thinks we would CARE.

Lisa (girls)

"Three Girls" (freaks)
3l award Let's hear it for DRAG QUEENS.

? (hobbyists)
3l award They like FORTY-SEVENS, I guess.

Jaymie (wannabes)
3l award Who does THIS guy think he is?

Ryan & Sean (wannabes)
3l award NOBODY CARES.

Ariann (goths)
3l award A HORROR PAGE. Oh BOY.

Lotta (design)
3l award WHAT THE

Jen (design)
3l award How does she expect ANYONE to be able to read ANYTHING?

Robyn & Todd (couples)
3l award Why are pictures of their WEDDING on the same page as a picture of PUFF DADDY?

Jeffrey (nerds)

Dale (groupies)
3l award Guess someone likes their LOCAL BASKETBALL TEAM.

"Fob" (wannabes)
3l award He calls himself FOB.

Jason (players)
3l award He's available for SAME-DAY VISITS. Now that's COMEDY.

Gemma (hobbyists)

Abdul (wannabes)

"Mad Cut" (wannabes)
3l award CRAM IT, kid.

Thaddeus (wannabes)
3l award Yeah, OKAY, THAD.

James (trekkies)
3l award A member of a STAR TREK society?

Kassie (design)
3l award Could she make it HARDER to read ANYTHING?

"Snake" (wannabes)
3l award It's a bad sign when he STARTS by addressing us as "HIS FUTURE GIRLFIRNEDS."

Leah (girls)
3l award The BARBIE WHAT?

Theresa (hobbyists)
3l award Another ANIME FAN.

Josh (wannabes)
3l award Lots of INSANITY, huh?

Rich (punks)
3l award YAWN.

"Anarchista" (girls)
3l award She's a CUTE, FREAKY BLONDE GIRL!

Rehan (dorks)
3l award Apparently he can only COMMUNICATE through SONG.

? (hobbyists)
3l award Electricity pylon number COLLECTING?

Mariannia (hobbyists)
3l award Another ANIME FREAK.

Jaci (design)
3l award This page should have a SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING.

"Kitana" (groupies)
3l award Someone has played TEKKEN 3 a little TOO MUCH.

Cody (goths)
3l award She's a GLITTER GOTH.

Bruna (design)
3l award Thanks for BLINDING us.

Justin (freaks)
3l award YEAH. Well, we're sure HIS parents are PROUD.

Joel (wannabes)

Josh (design)
3l award And thank YOU for the obnoxious POPUPS.

Lizz (girls)
3l award Another BORING "GODDESS."

Saeid (dorks)
3l award He needed to URGENTLY talk to the DALAI LAMA.

Joder (dorks)
3l award Yep, GRADE A.

Ben (goths)
3l award A GOTH with an ONLINE DIARY.

Nicky (nerds)
3l award All about his COMPUTER ... as if anyone CARED.

Erik (freaks)
3l award Congratulations on your MUTILATED BODY.

Lisa (girls)
3l award We didn't know that BITCH was an ACRONYM.

Joyce (girls)
3l award She has her DEVILISH SIDE.

Don & Lita (couples)
3l award The KNIGHT and his PRINCESS? Oh, boy.

"LSDiamond" (design)
3l award Isn't looking at a computer monitor HARD ENOUGH on the eyes?

"bb3lutz" (groupies)
3l award BRIAN BOITANO makes a strange ROLE MODEL.

Mark (players)
3l award Uh HUH. YEAH.

Donna (girls)

Marla (girls)
3l award Another GODDESS? Isn't the WEB already JAM-PACKED with them?

Thomas (dorks)
3l award Another WRITER.

Joachim (hobbyists)
3l award He writes SONGS about GEOCITIES?

"Coneheads" (hobbyists)
3l award A few too many HITS TO THE HEAD, perhaps?

Curt (hobbyists)
3l award Someone thinks about REDNECK HAIRCUTS a little too much, maybe ...

"Gumpy" (design)
3l award Okay, PAL.

Kevin (groupies)
3l award He likes SUBLIME.

Micheal (players)
3l award Another guy BEGGING for a GIRLFRIEND.

Kristin (goths)
3l award Yay, another BORING GOTH.

David (hobbyists)
3l award Can't get enough of those YO-YOS, looks like.

Harley (girls)
3l award BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT, TALENTED, EXCLUDED from social cliques, a little OFF-BEAT, blah blah blah. BO-ORING.

Marsha (groupies)
3l award ELVIS is DEAD. Get OVER IT.

Chyna (girls)
3l award She likes SHRINKY DINKS and HOMICIDE. LOVELY.

Christal (girls)
3l award The GODDESS of WHAT?

Malcolm (dorks)

? (wannabes)
3l award Wow, we can't imagine this guy getting WORSE.

Nate (players)
3l award Nice list of TURN ONS and TURN OFFS.

"Kity" (girls)
3l award RANT of the week? COLOR of the week? How about SNORE of the week?

Jack (hobbyists)

Galen (freaks)
3l award Man, what IS it with these "FURRY" people?

Michael (wannabes)
3l award Gee, where'd he get THAT idea?

Summer (girls)
3l award Your standard girl intersted in BLACK-WEARING, FACE-PIERCING, and SERIAL KILLERS.

Victor (dorks)
3l award Well, at least he apparently KNOWS it.

Jessica (design)
3l award Bright colors can be acceptable -- IN MODERATION.

"Greek Lover" (players)
3l award He's a GREEK LOVER. Uh, OKAY ...

Holly (girls)
3l award EMAIL HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charles (groupies)
3l award What the hell is it with people and POKEMON, anyway?

Mandie (girls)
3l award She's a BITCH WEB MISTRESS, all right.

"Firehead" (hobbyists)

"Ravers" (hobbyists)
3l award RAVE ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Timothy (design)
3l award PSST. It's hard to see the LINKS when everything's UNDERLINED.

"Diapers4Me" (freaks)
3l award All right, well that's TOTALLY DISGUSTING.

Steff (groupies)
3l award But ... she's DEAD ...

"Badget Legion" (wannabes)
3l award They're a SPUNK BAND.

Steven (nerds)
3l award This guy screams POCKET PROTECTOR.

"Villain Thieves" (punks)
3l award Maybe next time they could pick a name that's EASIER FOR THEM TO SPELL.

Wesley (dorks)
3l award UM. OKAY.

"Veggie" (girls)
3l award She sure is ... DOMESTIC.

"Sykochyk" (girls)
3l award She can't even spell PSYCHOCHICK.

"Fray" (dorks)

Nick (punks)
3l award They're so COOL with their CIGARETTES.

Paul (players)
3l award He's just a PARTY ANIMAL. Or something.

"Tmbgnut" (hobbyists)
3l award We get that she likes CARTOONS.

Mike (players)
3l award Wow, look at all those PICTURES. PICTURES aren't REAL.

"Shadz" (nerds)
3l award He's a HACKER, you see.

"lethal50" (punks)
3l award He likes GUNS. LOTS.

Jen (girls)
3l award Nice list of LIKES/DON'T LIKES.

"Nikita" (goths)
3l award He has a MINISTRY. Yeah, RIGHT.

Adam (hobbyists)

Renee (girls)
3l award The COOLEST GIRL IN THE WORLD writes POETRY, eh?

"Digital Slice" (wannabes)
3l award Most likely to VIOLENTLY TAKE OVER CHINA, huh?

Barny (dorks)
3l award YES, YES, you have the SAME NAME as a BIG PURPLE DINOSAUR that ENTERTAINS KIDS. We GET IT already.

Shane (punks)
3l award Yeah, you're COOL all right.

"Pinkglows" (girls)
3l award PINK GLOW: Enough said.

Michael (hobbyists)
3l award We don't have the HEART to tell this guy that PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING is staged.

"Lu Cifer" (wannabes)
3l award He's a SATANIST and he likes HOWARD STERN. Not sure which is LAMER.

John (hobbyists)
3l award He's into BELLRINGING and logging how much BEER he drinks. Need we say more?

Emily (girls)
3l award Hurray for you and your POETRY.

Wayne (nerds)
3l award So he only gets a haircut ONCE A YEAR. Why aren't we surprised?

Willow & Blondie (girls)
3l award It's HOTTIE HALL! Good LORD.

Brad (dorks)
3l award ANGSTY, COUNTERCULTURE, and ANNOYING, all wrapped up in one.

Justin (hobbyists)
3l award He's an ACTOR/VOCALIST who likes ER.

Sturat (hobbyists)
3l award Someone LIKES GAMES, we suppose.

"SirTrench" (dorks)
3l award CRAM IT.

Justin (wannabes)
3l award Who is this guy to give ADVICE?

Bill (dorks)
3l award Could he POSSIBLY have a more TOUCHY-FEELY introduction?

Bryant (dorks)
3l award Check out his FREAKISH PICTURES.

Dan & Scott (dorks)
3l award They don't call it THE FREAK SHOW for nothing.

"Sigrid" (wannabes)
3l award Nobody CARES about you and your TATTOOED WEB CAM.

Curtis (dorks)
3l award You can join his FAN CLUB.

"Gishmo" (freaks)
3l award NOBODY ASKED, you know.

Charlie (wannabes)
3l award A BOATLOAD?

Jonas (nerds)
3l award What IS it with people and their DIARIES?

"Superpants" (design)
3l award SAY it, don't SPRAY IT.

Aleister (goths)
3l award You'd think these people could stop WHINING long enough to TAKE OFF THEIR STUPID MAKEUP.

Jackie (girls)
3l award She'll be glad to do WEB DESIGN for you, but only as long as you want PASTELS and SCRIPT WRITING and SPRINKLY STARS!

David (dorks)
3l award Someone reads too many SELF-HELP BOOKS.

Joni (girls)
3l award She is WOMAN, hear her SHOUT.

"supathug" (punks)
3l award You're ELEVEN aren't you?

"Slimshaddy" (groupies)
3l award That's the BEST you can do?

"Shagman" (hobbyists)
3l award BIKES and BAYWATCH, huh?

Jason (nerds)
3l award Yes, nice GOATEE.

Chris (wannabes)
3l award Well, that's BORING.

"StormDrake" (wannabes)
3l award Artist, writer, and RULER.

"Marry Me Please" (players)
3l award Wow, you're PATHETIC.

"Silandara" (greenies)
3l award Why don't you RUB YOUR CRYSTALS and dream yourself up a NEW PAGE?

"Brimstone Man" (dorks)
3l award He looks VERY JANE'S ADDICTION. Yeah, THAT'S what he looks like.

Andrew (dorks)
3l award Boo hoo, SHUNNED FOR BEING WHO HE IS.

"Inu Inu E" (punks)
3l award Speak ENGLISH already.

? (dorks)
3l award Take the IDIOT test.

Gregg (wannabes)
3l award Wanna be a WRITER, huh? Don't QUIT YOUR DAY JOB.

? (design)
3l award The SKULLS ain't helpin', bub.

Jamie (nerds)
3l award Well isn't he just the CAT'S MEOW?

Heather (goths)
3l award You get BEAT UP a lot, don't you?

Cintia (girls)
3l award Duh, the life of a SUPERCHICK (WAS: RE: BIG THIGHS).

Chris (nerds)
3l award cHe's a CYBERGEEK.

Drue (girls)
3l award Oh, stuff it, WEBMISTRESS.

Wendi (girls)
3l award My, we're full of ourselves, aren't we?

Dale (freaks)
3l award He WEARS A SKIRT IN PUBLIC, and then thinks women are going to answer his online PERSONAL AD?

S. Crystal (girls)
3l award Yeah, RIGHT. Look who's TALKING.

Last updated January 03 2025
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