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couples They can't keep their hands off each other. Their web sites are usually covered with syrupy pictures of them and too many pictures of their wedding. They can't carry on a conversation without mentioning their husbands or wives or children. They tend to make us all sick. Yep, they're couples.

Ben & Stephanie September 01 2002 (couples)
2l award This planet needs MORE PICTURES.

Rich & Lynn February 06 2002 (couples)
3l award Yes, we've even go the OBLIGATORY picture of a UNICORN and everything.

Amber & Eric January 22 2002 (couples)
2l award Falling in LOVE, wedding PLANS, and JAVASCRIPT GAMES. What more could you ASK for?

Chris December 27 2001 (couples)

Ben & Jennie December 07 2001 (couples)
2l award The STORY of how they MET over the INTERNET and finally got MARRIED. GREAT.

James October 11 2001 (couples)
3l award He sees UNBORN CHILDREN in her EYES! She should get that CHECKED.

John May 13 2001 (couples)

Kyra & Mike September 28 2000 (couples)
4l award Well, GREAT.

Lianna September 27 2000 (couples)
2l award They're going to let STRANGERS pick their child's MIDDLE NAME?

Mike & Shawna August 31 2000 (couples)
2l award Um. YEAH.

Emily & Mike August 31 2000 (couples)
2l award Yay, another SYRUPY Web site.

Beverly & Jamie July 30 2000 (couples)
2l award LOVELY.

Bonnie & Lloyd April 04 2000 (couples)
1l award They like PARROTS, we SUPPOSE.

Carmen & Aaron March 06 2000 (couples)
4l award Not quite enough HEARTS.

Beth & Rich February 27 2000 (couples)
3l award GAKK!

Spencer & Shezmin February 27 2000 (couples)
2l award We get the IMPRESSION that if couples couldn't put up their WEDDING PICTURES they'd BURST.

Tony & Christie February 23 2000 (couples)
3l award They're getting MARRIED!

Robert & Susan February 21 2000 (couples)
1l award SWAN LAKE! GET IT?

Allen & Melinda February 20 2000 (couples)
2l award Uh, the KIT KAT CLUB? Isn't that the name of a STRIP JOINT?

Barry & Trish February 17 2000 (couples)
2l award Are THESE TWO for REAL?

Hazelin & Lee February 10 2000 (couples)
2l award Not quite enough SYRUP, folks.

Kyle & Jennifer February 08 2000 (couples)

Robyn & Todd February 08 2000 (couples)
3l award Why are pictures of their WEDDING on the same page as a picture of PUFF DADDY?

Don & Carolyn January 28 2000 (couples)
1l award Enough ANIMATING CRAP, have you?

Lynn & Michael January 18 2000 (couples)
1l award A DISNEY wedding?

Sine & Louis January 18 2000 (couples)
2l award They're apparently REALLY PROUD about getting MARRIED.

Perry & Sheila January 09 2000 (couples)
2l award Be sure to check out their WEDDING PAGE.

Don & Lita December 23 1999 (couples)
3l award The KNIGHT and his PRINCESS? Oh, boy.

Heather & Christopher November 12 1999 (couples)
2l award Yet another WEDDING PAGE.

Michael & Clara November 07 1999 (couples)
1l award In the coming MONTHS they're going to tell us about their ENCOUNTERS with ANGELS. AHEM.

Rachel & Steve October 26 1999 (couples)
2l award TRUE LOVE, yadda yadda yadda.

Kelli & Andy July 14 1999 (couples)
1l award Good thing you're ANNOUNCING your MARRIAGE to the WORLD.

Valerie & Bill June 23 1999 (couples)
1l award More WEDDING PICTURES than you can shake a stick at.

Normal & Ronaldo June 09 1999 (couples)
2l award Got enough WAREZ?

David November 19 1998 (couples)
2l award AH, the miracles of CHILDBIRTH.

Tom & Angela October 20 1997 (couples)
2l award You don't get any more syrupy than that.

Last updated January 03 2025
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