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groupies They follow bands around their world tours. They follow every detail in actors' and actresses' lives. They brag about their obsessions with a certain kind of sick pride. They like inanimate things to the point of obsession. They're groupies.

"Dr. Evil" February 15 2003 (groupies)
3l award A TRIBUTE to METALLICA. We needn't really say anymore, but we like the SNAKE LOGO. Is that some kind of G.I. JOE reference?

? September 01 2002 (groupies)
3l award An AUSTIN POWERS fan site! PHEW!

Jason July 07 2002 (groupies)
3l award He SERIOUSLY likes DINOSAURS.

? July 07 2002 (groupies)
2l award JESUS sure went COMMERCIAL.

Juliet May 13 2002 (groupies)

Jim March 13 2002 (groupies)
4l award This guy has a SERIOUS BUG UP HIS ASS about his local NEWSPAPER.

John March 13 2002 (groupies)
3l award It's a SAD STATEMENT about today's YOUTH when the best CELEBRITY they can come up with to WORSHIP is a creepy TRANSVESTITE.

Nikki January 22 2002 (groupies)
2l award She likes the CINCINNATI BEARCATS a little TOO MUCH, if you CATCH our DRIFT.

Richard January 08 2002 (groupies)
4l award Could he REALLY not come up with anything better to WORSHIP than HE-MAN an SKELETOR?

Dolores November 10 2001 (groupies)
3l award I'm sure JANET RENO would be FLATTERED. Or SOMETHING.

Leigh October 11 2001 (groupies)
3l award She likes CHOW YUN-FAT. Evidently A LOT.

Chris October 11 2001 (groupies)
3l award WEEZER, WEEZER, who's got the WEEZER?

Jager September 06 2001 (groupies)
2l award FIRED

Tara September 06 2001 (groupies)
3l award YEP. Another ANIME LOVER.

Dusty July 29 2001 (groupies)

Heather June 03 2001 (groupies)
3l award The WORST of all GROUPIES: LEXX FANS. We can only SHUDDER.

Mike April 14 2001 (groupies)

"Memnoch" December 17 2000 (groupies)
2l award DAVID BOWIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris November 28 2000 (groupies)
3l award Great. The A-TEAM. What a WONDERFUL SHOW.

Tayla November 23 2000 (groupies)
3l award FOO FIGHTERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thoc November 15 2000 (groupies)
1l award He really, really likes KENNETH BRANAGH.

? November 15 2000 (groupies)
2l award GOO GOO DOLLS.

? November 12 2000 (groupies)
2l award They obviously make good ROLE MODELS.

Adam November 12 2000 (groupies)
3l award HE-MAN and the MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE. Enough SAID.

Keith October 23 2000 (groupies)
2l award It's yet another WEIRD "AL" FAN. How come bunches of them have WEB SITES, but we've never actually MET ONE in REAL LIFE?

Anja October 22 2000 (groupies)

? October 22 2000 (groupies)
3l award He likes EIGHTIES BANDS -- and not even GOOD ONES.

Ken October 22 2000 (groupies)
3l award YOU decide: GROUPIE or STALKER?

Meisje October 14 2000 (groupies)
2l award DADDYWORLD?

Karim October 07 2000 (groupies)
2l award He likes PURPLE and BANDS. LOTS.

? October 01 2000 (groupies)
3l award Celebrity FAN FICTION. FAN FICTION WRITER today, STALKER tomorrow ...

J. September 28 2000 (groupies)
3l award Mark HAMILL, of all people? Can't she do BETTER than THAT?

Kelvin September 28 2000 (groupies)
3l award He wants to be WHO?

"Heavenly" August 31 2000 (groupies)
3l award A bit OBSESSED with KEANU REEVES, aren't WE?

? August 31 2000 (groupies)
3l award What, another SMALLER WONDER fan page?

Allison August 31 2000 (groupies)
2l award And yet ANOTHER Weird "Al" page. What IS it with these people?

Angela August 31 2000 (groupies)
3l award Following MORRISSEY around everywhere, EH?

"Pusssykatt" August 31 2000 (groupies)
4l award An ANTI-GROUPIE -- someone who despises GWYNETH PALTROW. Someone needs a CUP of THERAPY, STAT!

Beverley August 13 2000 (groupies)
2l award She has METHOS FEVER? Umm. OKAY.

Faye July 23 2000 (groupies)
3l award NEVER have we seen such ADORATION of TURTLES ...

F.M. July 23 2000 (groupies)
2l award He worships Rob WHO?

John July 19 2000 (groupies)
3l award ARMADILLOS?

"Elvis" July 10 2000 (groupies)
4l award It's a little DISTURBING when someone likes Weird "Al" Yankovic THIS much ...

Candice July 03 2000 (groupies)
1l award EEP

Kathleen June 12 2000 (groupies)
3l award This one really likes the ANNOYING LITTLE GIRL in SMALL WONDER. And she REALLY likes her.

? June 12 2000 (groupies)
2l award An ANTI-GROUPIE -- someone who hates STAR WARS. A LOT.

Susan June 12 2000 (groupies)
3l award She sure likes PAUL RHYS, whoever THAT is.

Michelle June 12 2000 (groupies)
2l award The best she can do is a CASSIDY, and the LEAST FAMOUS ONE at that.

Jordanna June 12 2000 (groupies)
2l award She likes SKATING.

Jewel June 01 2000 (groupies)
3l award You can't come up with a better IDOL than JEWEL?

Jeanie June 01 2000 (groupies)
2l award That's the BEST she can DO? What happened to AIMING HIGH?

James May 02 2000 (groupies)
3l award He loves METALLICA and KNIGHT RIDER. Need we say ANYTHING else?

Randy April 07 2000 (groupies)
2l award It's Randy's AWESOME homepage about his JEEP WRANGLER!

? April 07 2000 (groupies)
3l award Picture a group of people that worship WEIRD "AL" YANKOVIC.

Liz March 22 2000 (groupies)
3l award Is there ANYONE this girl doesn't WORSHIP?

Menno-Peter March 16 2000 (groupies)
2l award KIM WILDE! Uh, YEAH!

? March 16 2000 (groupies)
4l award He wants to RESCUE TERI HATCHER. Kind of DISTRUBINGLY SO.

Bruna February 23 2000 (groupies)
3l award Oh, good LORD. A HANSON fan.

Stacey February 23 2000 (groupies)
3l award Isn't T'PAU one of those ONE-HIT-WONDER BANDS?

Rach February 13 2000 (groupies)
1l award Ain't DAVE MATTHEWS great?

Marcia February 13 2000 (groupies)
3l award She writes poetry about LEONARDO DICAPRIO?

Steve February 13 2000 (groupies)
2l award ... And a MADONNA groupie.

? February 13 2000 (groupies)
3l award Yes, that's right. POWER RANGERS.

Linda February 10 2000 (groupies)
2l award A shrine to SAILOR MOON?

Steev February 09 2000 (groupies)
2l award Well, GOOD FOR YOU.

Brian February 08 2000 (groupies)

Dale February 04 2000 (groupies)
3l award Guess someone likes their LOCAL BASKETBALL TEAM.

Gwen February 04 2000 (groupies)
2l award She HEARTS MACOS!

Dave February 04 2000 (groupies)
2l award Your standard BORING MUSIC PAGE.

Valerie January 18 2000 (groupies)
2l award Obsessed with a CARTOON CHARACTER?

"Kitana" January 09 2000 (groupies)
3l award Someone has played TEKKEN 3 a little TOO MUCH.

Brian December 30 1999 (groupies)
2l award What's his favorite GROUP, now?

Kathy December 26 1999 (groupies)
2l award She seems to like CHEVY'S.

"bb3lutz" December 19 1999 (groupies)
3l award BRIAN BOITANO makes a strange ROLE MODEL.

Bjarne December 19 1999 (groupies)
1l award He sure likes JESUS. Not to mention his GIRLFRIEND.

Kevin December 14 1999 (groupies)
3l award He likes SUBLIME.

Patty December 14 1999 (groupies)
2l award BACKSTREET BOYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaron December 14 1999 (groupies)
4l award He sure likes METAL BANDS. Nice MAKEUP.

Marsha December 03 1999 (groupies)
3l award ELVIS is DEAD. Get OVER IT.

Melissa November 12 1999 (groupies)

Brenda November 12 1999 (groupies)
2l award Apparently ELTON JOHN saved her soul, or SOMETHING.

Jeff November 12 1999 (groupies)
4l award He sure likes TORI AMOS.

Charles November 09 1999 (groupies)
3l award What the hell is it with people and POKEMON, anyway?

Steff November 01 1999 (groupies)
3l award But ... she's DEAD ...

Alan October 26 1999 (groupies)
2l award Someone likes DENNY'S restaurants a LITTLE TOO MUCH.

Michael September 01 1999 (groupies)
2l award He sure likes the RED SOX.

"rAiDeR0020" July 14 1999 (groupies)
1l award You like OFFSPRING and GREEN DAY? We never would have GUESSED.

"Mighty G" February 23 1999 (groupies)
2l award Yes, he's DEAD already.

"Slimshaddy" February 18 1999 (groupies)
3l award That's the BEST you can do?

Matthew October 20 1997 (groupies)
1l award Hey, there's nothing wrong with appreciating Jill Hennessy, but when you use the word CRUSADE you go over the line.

Last updated January 03 2025
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